
Tuesday, February 25, 2020

What is Technopreneurship?

As a student, the word technopreneurship is a new word to me. I'm not familiar with the word and having it as a course,  somehow piqued my interest as how will it help me in the long run.


From what I understand, its basically a combined word of "technology" and "entrepreneurship". Technology is the application of scientific knowledge to practical purposes and entrepreneurship is the creation of business from an idea to use it to for opportunities and gain profit. An entrepreneur is a person who starts a business and is willing to risk loss in order to make profit.

So from those two words, technopreneurship is an idea of making a business with the use of technology in order to invent something new and innovative products for the consumers, while making profits.

A technopreneur is a new age entrepreneur who makes use of technology to come out with something new to make some innovation. Once the person succeeds in it, s/he exploits his/her achievement in the market to make money. A technopreneur operates business differently from any other businessman.

My instructor, asked us what should we do if we had a supply of nuts and milk? We said to sell it. But then he told us that having resources to sell isn't enough, you need to be creative to make something new and different out of your resources in order to advance your products, in order to innovate the lives of the consumers and discover hidden paths towards great success. Well, if you think about it, consumers will easily grew tired of your products since humans get tired of things easily, so in order for them to patronize your products, you need to give them something new. So that means being resourceful is one thing but thinking and doing something new out of it, takes it to a whole new level. And in the case of technopreneurship, that's innovation, which is a key to finding greater heights of success.

This somehow reminds me of Apple's Iphone. They revolutionized mobile phones by combining regular cellular phone, Ipod and internet. And its concept is still being used till now. 

Importance of Technopreneurship
  • It creates more job opportunities
  • It increases value of local resources
  • It makes businesses diverse and decentralize
  • It promotes technology
  • It helps the economy
For me technopreneurship is a good use of technology while making money. Such a simple idea could make such a huge difference in our life and to our world. Like what Albert Einstein said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution."

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